Crafting A Life - Post 9/11 Photos

Crafting A Life

Post 9/11

Ordover Blog Pic


Interviewed at

Public Traveller, Astronomy, and Knitting
The Savvy Girls Podcast ep. 61


Chop Bard


Quirky Nomads


Hand Knitters Guild of North Central Texas
Dallas Handknitters Guild
at the Knitting Fairy
September 14-16, and 17, 2012, respectively
Prince William Purlers
October 20, 2012
The Red Thread, VA
October 27, 2012

Hire me!

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Some pics are rather big...I collected these from all over the net in the first few days following the tragedy. Very few were labeled, or labeled correctly, so I tried to identify what I could. If one is yours or if I can add an attribution, please let me know.
The evacuation path labeled, south is up
Our Evacuation, south is up (click picture for larger version)

Current building conditions, 9/21/01, north is up (click picture for larger version)
Behind my school... A block away
Behind my school...

A block away
Saw from my window Saw from my window
Saw from my classroom window

And again...
Looking west on Church Street at the WTC I think that's the post office from Washington Street
Looking west on Church Street at the WTC

I think that's the post office from Washington Street
More 8:48am.
More I had just finished taking attendance

Thought this was beautiful I think this is the corner of Liberty and Trinity
This is from the Time Magazine website...

I think this is the corner of Liberty and Trinity, but it's hard to looks much better now
Roughly when we started evacuating This is how I taught irony that morning
This is roughly when we started evacuating

Look at Liberty...look at terrorism...NOW do you understand irony?
Time Falling down on our street
Another beautiful shot from the Time site.

This fell a block north of our school
Search Vesey Street by Staples...I think...
This is Vesey Street looking towards Staples, I think...

Related Links:

The stories my students wrote about their experiences on September 11th.

To see a map and other pictures: click here and widen your browser as much as possible. Some pics are rather big...

These are pics from my classroom as of 10/26/01. We were allowed in briefly to grab a few essentials--the kid's college essays, novels with all of my notes, things like that.

A poem I wrote about the 11th