Lately we’ve gotten ourselves on a rocketing kick.  Yes, it’s hot. Yes, it’s been humid. Yes, I have sons.

It’s also super pretty when the clouds are up and the rockets are out.

This is Lambert Park. For those of you who’ve visited Tucson proper, this view of the Santa Catalina mountains may be a bit befuddling. We’re north of Tucson, now, just past the border of Oro Valley. The top pic is taken facing nearly due south.

This is Thing 1 with his first rocket. Pretty simple.

But effective.

The husband and Thing 2, examining the second rocket. Thing 1 is an awfully generous kid, so he let the younger thing use a rocket for the day…until Thing 2 could build his own.

Happy Thing.

Lift off! See! It works!

It landed beyond the nearest tree (in the dirt, phew) but mostly I just took the pic because the mountains and the clouds looked GREAT! That’s Pusch Ridge (in case you care) which is part of the “back side” of the Catalina’s–Mt. Lemmon is up there, hidden, somewhere…

The things, setting up the second launch.

Returning victorious with their launched rocket.

See the rocket?

Not for long!

There has been a flurry of rocket building in the house, so there will be new pics of exciting rockety things before school starts mid-August. As long as the weather holds.

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