The husband always liked Starbucks Cinnamon Chip Scones (I know. Evil Empire. Yada yada yada… they still were the only ones willing to make me a decaf soy latte when I was nursing–the locally owned shops in Brooklyn told me back then that “soy won’t foam right” and REFUSED to make me a drink! So. Starbucks won my vote back then.)

I digress.

I started my hunt for homemade cinnamon chips. And the hunt ended here: The Architect and The Artist: Make Your Own Cinnamon Chips for Baking.

This is how I’ll be spending my afternoon. And probably most of the holidays. Making scones.

There are worse things.

I’ve also found a great GF bagel recipe that I’ll be sharing. So, today it’s scone city! That and trying to make a gluten free Brie-en-Croute. (I found this highly suspect one due to the bean flour, and this interesting almond-based one which I’m still not sure about.)

And knitting.

Toujours en tricote!

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