The craft room was losing it’s appeal. Too crowded. Three crafters (two who NEVER put anything away and one who RARELY puts things away.
We needed work space.
We needed to be able to see what we had (a family of right-brainers…if we can’t see it, it doesn’t exist).
We needed a door, is what we needed.
Our guest/craft room is blessed to include a trundle bed with raised rails on three sides.
Enter the door.
I also got a 79″ 1×12 to fit in behind the door. That’s where most of the buckets are sitting.
Have I mentioned I love this!?
So, the question was posed, what to do when company comes.
Everything’s in bins and easy to move. The door isn’t very heavy. It all flies to the garage…and I whimper as I enter withdrawls…

So where do you put the “stuff” when guests come?