So if you work your way backwards through the blog you can see updated pics and learn why we had the surgery here.
It’s 9pm on Saturday night and the boy’s in bed and asleep–happily so, too. His right eye–the one closest to the surgery site is starting to swell, but that’s normal. Scary, but normal.
When he woke up this morning he faded in and out of being disoriented and very alert. He also faded in and out of a fever. He took his antibiotics (against his will) and only needed regular Tylenol twice (once was my decision as a preemptive strike). We’re using the Co-Tylenol for sleep and it seems to be working just fine. No nasty side-effects.
We decided to take him to the Santa Monica Pier. We borrowed a stroller from the Stones (My best friend’s family with whom we are staying–actually in their above-garage apartment. Just spectacularly wonderful of them and so SO good for us) and walked Aiden up and down the pier a couple of times, waiting for things to open.
Showing us just how lucky we are and how well the universe is treating him, the boy won 850 tickets at a whack-a-mole game at the arcade, then rode the (enormous and very smooth) ferris wheel at the end of the pier, then proceeded to ride every kiddie ride that wouldn’t jar the drains (ugh) descending from the surgery site. He’s a little daredevil, and after a very good nap, he proceeded to play with Jessica, friend Sam’s daughter, for a couple of hours. When we came up to go to bed we only had a little struggle with the meds, then we read a book, and he pretty much collapsed into sleep.
I’m wiped out too. This was the most I’ve done physically since getting over pneumonia and I’m only just starting to get my lungs back. However, I’m really happy with my progress too. We should see the doc on Monday (I hope to get these gawdawful drains out) and then finally on Friday. Then we’ll find out what to do to learn if the boy is a candidate for canal surgery. Maybe he’ll both have an ear AND be able to hear by next Christmas!
Thank you all so much for your support, comments, emails and phone messages. It’s been tense, but very very good.

I’m really glad to hear that things went so well! But please be careful about your health, too!
How wonderful the surgery was a success and Aiden’s doing well in recovery!
Thanks for including us in the loop. I’ve enjoyed reading the updates.
Best wishes on a speedy recovery to you both.