Home»Blog Fun» How do you define #Feminist and/or #Feminism?*Best answers read on CraftLit #podcast this Friday*Trying to get the broadest responses possible. (I.e. Not looking to "confirm what I already think." Email Heather@CraftLit.com or post below.
How do you define #Feminist and/or #Feminism?*Best answers read on CraftLit #podcast this Friday*Trying to get the broadest responses possible. (I.e. Not looking to "confirm what I already think." Email Heather@CraftLit.com or post below.
MamaO is Heather Ordover, author, designer, mother and knitter... not necessarily in that order. You can get posts from this blog sent directly to your inbox by signing up below, Follow her on Twitter and Like her on Facebook if you're feeling friendly-like. Follow @MamaO