Once again, life swipes at us…holidays, holiday gift making, kids, illnesses, work, (not necessarily in that order). You know the drill.

But here’s something nice. In the middle of all the chaos, a weaving/spinning/knitting friend of mine who is a RNP, has begun to work for a company called “Take Care” which runs store front clinics inside Walgreens stores here in Tucson. Spectacular. Cheap, attentive, gentle medical care. Nothing urgent (like broken bones) but things annoying and impossible to get emergency visits for…like croup.

Thing 2 needed to be checked today since he got sent home from school with a (ridiculously) minimal fever. He’s fine–I’m getting something nasty though–and he’ll be even better after a nap, but it was so nice to have access to this easy (and did I say cheap?) health care option.

A good thing in this sickly season.

Tra la la

Off to ply…pics to come…

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