What can you do living gluten-free when it comes to holidays.
A lot, actually. I’ll share my stunning success at Thanksgiving Stuffing shortly, but there’s a more dire topic at hand: Jelly Donuts!
Even if you don’t celebrate the festival of lights, you probably know that Chanukah is a celebration surrounded by a puddle of oil—symbolic oil and cooking oil. Symbolically, historically, there was only enough clean oil left in the Temple lo those many years ago to burn/re-purify the temple after the Greek’s trashed it (and put pig’s blood in the oil jars). That little bit of oil lasted for eight nights.
There’s a lot more to the story than that, however, but it’s all revolutionary and rabble-rousy and I really just want to talk about fried foods for now.
In honor of the holiday, I bring you links to many GF jelly donut recipes. There are, of course, zillions of Latke Recipes too. I will provide you with Grandma Carol’s Latkes tomorrow and Aunt Cissie’s Brisket on Friday that way, as you celebrate (or as you eat the food regardless of the celebration) you’ll have access to some really good eats.
Sufganiyot (soof-gahn-ee-yoat) or Jelly Donuts*—
- A whole GF Hanukkah Menu
- Gluten-Free Sufganiyot – Jelly Donuts For Chanukah Recipe – Food.com.
- Gluten-Free Bay Jelly Donuts
- Gluten Free Boy
- Food and Things
Jewish Food List
*I haven’t tried any of these recipes. I’m just giving links this time. Please post feedback on which are your faves so others may learn from your wisdom. I’ll be doing the same.