In Sam’s and my Native Habitat. The Bhodi Tree bookstore.
They Allow This?
Is it possible that Beverly Hills might be having a craft fair this weekend? Isn’t there a ban on such things?!?
When LA is to Love
East on Olympic at Veteran. Old stomping grounds… Jacaranda trees in full bloom. Overcast burning off. Lovely, tho Andrew should be here too…
MD Sheep and Wool #2
I admit I haven’t been very good at posting. Some of that is because my phone app that lets me post on the fly died, but the other part is that we’ve been running like maniacs at Jennie the Potter’s booth. However, right before sitting and having a lovely chat with a CraftLit listener and her husband (from Ontario, CA–O…Canada…) I had this for lunch. Baaaaa… Lunch! I can’t say that I’ve been...
MD Sheep and Wool #1
MD Merch. This is the line on Friday. Were we here on Saturday you would see a sea of people who stretch from one edge of the picture to the other, and off to my left about a quarter of a mile. Glad to be here on Friday.
Thing 2
Originally uploaded by hordover Nearly two years after the first surgery, here’s the boy’s “new” ear. More pics can be found at the Ear Extravaganza...