The thing I liked best about this–aside from watching my boys command a sub for nearly 40 minutes–was that the exhibit (which was shabby by today’s hi tech standards) was actually salvaged and reconstructed by former crew mates specifically for this museum. I just thought that was spectacular. And, as per my ‘hi tech’ comment above…seriously, what more do boys need than a bunch of levers that move, switches...
Got Yarn?
Fiber? Fiber? Anyone? Anyone?HeatherViaPhone
A la 1820's, changing of the King's Guard (?!)HeatherViaPhone
Sunday, Sunday…
Deeply perturbing irony? Our digital camera broke. There is no money to replace it. The guy at the camera shop holds out very little hope for it. So the rest of the Hawaii Trip will be relegated to cell phone pics (not horrible, but not great) or 35mm (which isn’t bad for life, but bad for blogging and bad for being sure you ‘have that shot’!) Ah well… Here’s what the kids did today: Northwest shore…we...
USS. Bowfin
Happy boys.HeatherViaPhone
Thanks nine-elevenHeatherViaPhone