Herm First I was greeted by this lovely view of the pristine mountains. But that was wiped away by the nice man at the gate telling us where our next flight would take off from. D-6 Then a long (slow, crowded) walk to the gate where I noticed a curious piece of computer paper taped under the LED screen. Potland gate C-7 Then a long (slow, crowded) walk to the new gate where the free wifi that was advertised all the way over didn’t so much...
New Mission Falls 136 sock…superwash, super fast on siz 5 ndls, toe shaping! Yes! I’m loving this yarn and these socks. These have a Sherman Heel. My next pair have a Welsh Heel. And they’re soft. And comfy. And make me feel all warm and...
A crab shanty!Heather via Centro
Krusty Krab
at the Crab ShantyHeather via Centro
The Crab Shanty
and our exceedingly patient, kind, and patient waiterHeather via Centro
yearling angora goat
and Dawn's handHeather via Centro