Pattern Retrospective, Part 3

Posted by on Aug 28, 2012 in Blog Fun, designs, Knitting, patterns |

Soap Scrunchies I like double knitting. I like doing the same thing with weaving (two layers at one time) but that’s a different sotry. I think I like double kniting for the same reason I like knitting two socks at a time on two circs—when I’m done, I’m DONE. This little guy was born of necessity: Christmas. Well, Christmas and teaching a class in double knitting. If you’ve never knit both sides of a bag at the...

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Pattern Retrospective, part 2

Posted by on Aug 24, 2012 in Blog Fun, designs, Knitting, patterns, Shawls |

So today’s post doesn’t go back to the age of the dinosars, but it does go back to when I was teaching in New York. After our evacuation on  9/11, a few teachers and I taught a bunch of our students to knit and we donated what we made to Women in Need shelter and the Bowery Mission. Many yarn companies and publishers stepped in to support us with donations which meant the world to us (SoHo Publishing, Elizabeth Eakins,  and...

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Lucy Neatby—Collection One

Posted by on Aug 7, 2012 in Blog Fun, Classes, designs, freebies, Knitting, Podcast, tutorial, Web Fun | 3 comments

SQUEEEEEE! Right before I left on vacation I had a FABULOUS phone call/CraftLit interview* with Sally Holt (she of the genius KnitCompanion ® app) and Lucy Neatby (she of knitting genius)—and then I had to shut up about it. It almost killed me. But now the secret is out and I can share this joyous news with you! I’m giddy with excitement and I’m here to tell you that after you take a look at the Lucy Neatby—Collection One app, you...

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Not Great, but Not Horrid Either

Posted by on Aug 4, 2012 in Blog Fun, designs, Family, Knitting, patterns, Travel | 2 comments

I have a long and proud track record of failure at the various knitting O[ymp1c5 and this year may be no different. I’m made a remarkable amount of progress (for me) while being at the beach and other places that aren’t particularly conducive to knitterly pursuits. At the same time, I know others who have taken on less insane tasks than I and are already winnahs, but gosh darn it, I really wanted to make this shrug. And the shawl....

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Meet Miss Goligtly!

Posted by on Jun 21, 2012 in Blog Fun, designs, Knitting, Sock Knitting |

Holly Golightly is one of those characters who stick with you. These socks are kind of like that too. Quick to knit but oh-so-comfy, these puppies will keep your dogs warm before, during, and after a pedicure. Great for those of us who have perpetually cold toes as well as those of us who need a little “air conditioning” when the heat is on too high in the winter. These little beauties are worthy of their resourceful namesake. The...

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Cheddar! The CraftLit Critter!

Posted by on Apr 27, 2012 in Blog Fun, Defarginess, designs, Knitting, patterns, Podcast, Writing |

* * *  Newsy bits * * * Cheddar! What’s a Cheddar, you ask? Cheddar is my new buddy. I’ve got two (well, the second is getting his tail this evening). It was time for CraftLit to have a mascot, enter… Cheddar, the CraftLit Critter (pattern)! or get it by Subscribing (i.e., committing to a monthly payment) to CraftLit Or Purchase a completed,  knitted Cheddar from  Penny  for $36 via  little acorn creations  (coming soon!) He...

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