Thing 2 HoneyComb Cowl Erato’s “Call Your Girlfriend” Thing 2 and Thing 3 Thing 4 and Daddy 12 hrs away from us Thing 4 enjoying the snow Thing 2 making his Troll Face My SiL’s fab decorations (she makes it look so easy!) Da Table Da Kids Post-food (you know the drill) Giving Thanks Da Goofy Kids Three Artists all in a row… Requisite smoking of holiday cigars Happy Sneak...
Existential Depression in Gifted Children
I don’t often post about such things, but this was such a well-done look at what can happen to gifted kids I thought I should share (with the caveat that I think the term “gifted” is rather ironic since it often feels like a curse). If you know kids like this, the “You may not need a hug but _I_ do” line may be the best thing going. Existential Depression in Gifted Children | The Unbounded Spirit. note: I’ve...
Food and Stuff—11.17.13
How we spent the week… pretty nifty bit of the vanilla + sock 4 I evidently need to find a way to get more Black Cow Coffee shirts from Croton-on-Hudson How Thing 1 spent his Saturday morning Thing 1 snuggling with Mittens vanilla+ sock pattern I’m working on So, the shawl DEFINITELY needed a long soak (in SOAK) Vanilla+ sock Eye of Partridge heel flap Now that I’m watching “Breaking Bad” iI get some of the...
The Bar Mitzvah is behind us, but so is an insane week. Here are some highlights. distant preview of new Vanilla-esque sock pattern Trekking XXL being used for said Vanilla Kermit at the Smithsonian–yes it’s dark. That’s after fiddling with it, too. Table Settings at the Bar Mitzvah Table cards Da Man Unwitting “Diner” impersonators Goofballs (no impersonation necesary) Steal Goyim shot of the Bimah 7 With his...
For many months now I’ve been taking pictures of stuff–life, my cooking, interesting-weird-things–always thinking, “ooh! I can post it tonight” but night is my only knitting time and… there went that idea. Instead, I think I’d like to start something different. I’d like to post a gallery of these shots on Sunday. Just pictures. If something sparks your fancy or you just want to know more, let me...
Good Food, Plus
What do you do when you’re going to your cousin’s for dinner and she’s an awesome food-n-family blogger? You make gluten free peach crumble from scratch… without a recipe… and with the odds-and-ends you have on-hand in the rental beach house…because you’re stupid. It worked out fine, though. Here’s how: before slicing peaches, using a fork blend butter (1/4-1/2C), brown sugar (1/4-1/2 C), GF flour...