I slept in so I wasn’t part of the decision making process, but we went bowling on Sunday. There’s a ridiculous bowling alley near-by which is decorated to look like Bedrock (from the Flintstones).
Goofiness aside, though, it’s’ really quite nice and well-maintained.
Thning 1 monitored the lane.
Thing 2 and the Husband kept tabs.
Friend Deb in LA is going to freak out at my score. We bowled in late May when the fambly was out there and I think I might have broken 50. I didn’t even use bumpers!
Thing 1’s style was making us nervous on so many levels, both for innocent bystanders as well as for the pins. But after some coaching, Thing 1 actually bowls a ball correctly.
The food at the Alley wasn’t so Gluten-Free-Friendly, so we retired to a local burger eatery. Thing 2 insisted that he was SO hungry, he wanted to eat an adult-sized burger.
And he did.
And, though his belly was great with burger, he did live to tell the tale.