The latest from my Instagram feed. Posted by Intagrate...
Remember that Eddie Murphy bit on SNL years ago? Where he dressed in white-face and discovered all the "perks of being white"?Well, today I'm feeling a bit of "seeing how the other percent live".I bit the bullet and paid to upgrade so I could sleep a bit before I have to drive 2-1/2 hours in an unfamiliar country with unfamiliar signs at (let's be honest, even for me) unfamiliar speeds. This, right here, is the little zippered package waiting for me at my seat. (I didn't include the $75 off Cole Hahn coupon…).However, biz class isn't all white this flight, so at least there's that happy change from Eddie's era… #myhowtimeshavechanged #thankGodtimeschange #1% #ifonly #noblessoblige ?
The latest from my Instagram feed. Posted by Intagrate...
Early morning walks are better with nephew, mom, and random boats. #wildwoodnj #summer2017 #beachday #beach #lazyday
The latest from my Instagram feed. Posted by Intagrate...
Such a beautiful Valentine from my Valentine! #happyvalentinesday
The latest from my Instagram feed. Posted by Intagrate...
Twice as many caring people this time! Who knew!? #indivisiblelnh #resisting
The latest from my Instagram feed. Posted by Intagrate...