Penultimate Grounded Sock • Casey’s Solitary Socks

Posted by on Dec 20, 2013 in Blog Fun, designs, Grounded, Knitting, patterns, Sock Knitting |

Casey and Rosie—oil and water to start… so, then what? A lovely vinaigrette once they get to know each other? Young love is so tough, even in the best of times—and  Casey and Rosie aren’t that lucky. What is the Chinese curse? May you be born in Interesting Times? Well, then they are cursed indeed. And blessed. Because regardless what else happens, they did find each other. They know the other is there.  Somewhere. Loving. These socks, designed...

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Separated at Birth

Posted by on Dec 19, 2013 in Blog Fun, Love, Web Fun |

Uncanny, innit?   Neil Gaiman read an abridged (by Dickens himself) version of A Christmas Carol at the New York Public Library earlier this week. Another reason to love the man....

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Final Three Grounded Socks… rolllllling out this week! • WIP Wednesday

Posted by on Dec 18, 2013 in Blog Fun, designs, Grounded, Knitting, patterns, Sock Knitting |

Grounded Socks ARE my WIP Wednesday! Mina’s Protective Socks are not for the faint of heart—but then, neither is running a boot camp for psychic teens. Mina’s protective arms like the roots and branches of a tree enfold the kids in her care, and while she’s not perfect (who is) she’s always there. These socks are heavily cabled—so much so that the charts come color coded. And while the charts have been broken up for...

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