Thank you!

Posted by on Dec 24, 2013 in Blog Fun, Family, General Ranting, Love |

I have a lot to be thankful for as 2013 rolls to a close and I’d like to do some thanking here. Tara Swiger and the Starship folks have—as always—been amazing, creative, smart, funny, helpful, and critical in all the best ways. They’re why this site looks better and why the rest of my sites will soon look better too. They make me smile every week—pretty much every day. Cooperative Press and all the cooperative-types who publish,...

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Final Grounded Sock • Rosie’s Nightswimming Socks

Posted by on Dec 20, 2013 in Blog Fun, designs, Grounded, Knitting, patterns, Sock Knitting, Writing |

If you remember Rosie’s Firestarters, they  had a flame motif going up the side. The Nightswimming socks have that same motif, running up the left in this pic–   surrounded by undulating waves. Water grounds her. May these socks keep you feisty, but surrounded by calm. These were designed by me which means they have the fitted arch and Welsh heel… But Meg likes them, too. Skills needed  knit, purl, yo, k2tog, ssk, working...

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