Cognitive Anchoring is the thing I spoke about at MIT for the Common Cod Fiber Guild last week.
It’s a term I had to make up because no one else had tied the pieces together in regards to knitting and how it affects the mind.
I’m working up a teaser for the talk to post here so if you, your guild, or your LYS would like to have me come speak/teach, you’ll have something to point to. There’s been zero research into knitting itself but lots of research on the outskirts. And that’s where this term comes from: knitting anchors us to where we are and what we’re doing.
Without knitting in a meeting, this is what I look like:
And, in other news, more Chaucer has been going out to subscribers. We’ll be done with the entire prologue in a few weeks!

Excellent phrase! I like it!
I took to knitting in meetings at my previous work to give me patience, soothe me emotionally during rough patches, and to focus better {now that I was patient and calm regardless of what foolishness went on in the meeting}. It also eased frustration when technology or the industry leaders were having challenges and we were all waiting on them. I think it is an excellent and productive alternative to doodling, playing with one’s phone, or dozing off (there were 2 gents that regularly dozed during meetings).