So much must go, it’s shocking. For the next week or so I’ll be having a rolling sale on eBay, trying to relieve space issues in our very small basement.
Sadly, I forgot how much work it is to post things on eBay. Thus the rolling sale. I can’t do it all at once.
¿C’est la Guerre, non?
In other newsy-news, I’m nearly done with a new pattern for Dragonfly Fibers in (OMGaw it is scrumptious) Super Djinni/Red Bud. I think you will love. I know I do—I seriously don’t want to relinquish the samples. Later this year I’ll be releasing a new sock pattern for you from the Cooperative Press Sock/Mitt club! You can read more about joining over here.
I’m also trying to do a better job by you. I’ve started—with renewed fervor—creating quality newsletters. This is different than the blog and different than CraftLit (though things sometimes intersect). So, if you’d like me to apprise you of new goings on—and the occasional free pattern link—delivered straight to your inbox, please consider signing up. Newsletter is free and non-spammy.
Over in CraftLit-land we are blessed to have new sponsors (Little Acorn Creations and SeedPod Publishing). The good people at SeedPod are doing a very interesting call-for-submissions that you might want to check out. It’s rather up our collective alley. We’ve also got Ehren Ziegler of ChopBard podcast reading Gulliver’s Tales for us. He is, quite simply, marvelous as our hapless hero and narrator. If you’ve never read the satire, you might enjoy the listen. And on that audio-line, I’ve taken the CraftLit audio and edited it to create a books-only version (with occasional interesting but non-crafty chat before the chapter discussion). That show is called Just the Books: All the Lit, None of the Craft. Apparently it’s where husbands are sent to listen.
I’m teaching my Sock Summit ’09 class over at KnitGrrl’s Ning site. If you’ve never done asynchronous online classes it may be time! In my class you’ll get everything you would have gotten at Sock Summit (and more!) but you can do it at your own pace. You can ask questions, join in chats, share your genius with the other class members—and all when you have time! It doesn’t get better than that.
What (else) Would Madame Defarge Knit? is in pre-orders and nearing the end of the production melee. Work! I tell you what! But I’m mighty proud of the writers and designers. I think you’ll enjoy. (And this one’s in color.) Word of publication will go out here, by newsletter, and on CraftLit as soon as I know. Defarge Does Shakespeare is underway, and submissions are still open for Defarge Does Chaucer and Defarge Does Holmes.
Wow! Now that I’ve written all that down, I’m wondering when I sleep?! Probably at the car fix-it place. Did I tell you? (No, of course not; I was stuck at the car shop!) Evidently sun roofs have things called “drains” and occasionally those drains can get plugged. Know what happens when they do?
They leak.
On you.
When you’re trying to pick up the kids in a driving rain storm.
Leak is too gentle a word. Water sheeted off of the sun visor onto my lap when I came to a stop whilst racing to pick the kids up from school during a seriously loud and pounding storm. It continued to come down (inside the car) in spits and bursts and made the process of driving surprisingly difficult (not to mention the 25ft visibility). Fun for the whole family!
The entire front interior looked (and smelled) like the scene from Risky Business*… sadly I didn’t get to do anything that exciting. Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So. Lesson learned. Periodically check your sun roof drains.**
*Scroll way down to “Who’s the U-Boat Commander?”
**We bought the car used and I thought at the time, “I wonder if this sun roof thing is going to be more trouble than it’s worth….”