We had an ugly counter when we moved in.

(You’ll have to trust me)

I had neither time nor money to fix it properly in 2006–plus I had a 3yo rug rat who woudln’t let me think much less tile a counter.

Now he’s 6-1/2 and has a good eye for color.

Ugly tile counter was covered by paint and decoupage art that was boy-appropriate. It lasted for awhile…until the kids’ toothpaste took a toll. So. Ugly tile/paint counter goes bye bye.

Measure twice, cut once. Love the miter box.
Now for the bucket o’ color tiles.

It fits! Thing 2 and I got the pieces down and pretty.

This, however, was a tactical error on my part as I thought I could do small sections. The truth–it would have been fine in a LARGER space, but the corners and the tiny spaces at the front and back of the sink bowl make this really impossible. The left side I did in pieces. The right I did in one big blob.

Next step: dry overnight then grout!!!

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